Actress YVETTE YATES interviewed by Hispanic Lifestyle host Richard Sandoval on the Red Carpet before presenting at the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers & Scientists (SHPE) Conference's STAR AWARDS 2011. The STAR Awards is a national SHPE program that recognizes outstanding Hispanic professionals in the areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). The 2011 SHPE Conference will embrace all of the glamour of Anaheim , with an awards show mimicking the Academy Awards. Event held Saturday, October 29, 2011, honoring the best and brightest in the nation. Author: YvetteYates Duration: 1:37
Photos for video YVETTE YATES presents at SHPE's STAR AWARDS 2011-Hispanic Lifestyle
For more on Max Carver, visit Follow Us! http Like Us! CelebSecrets4U chats with Max Carver at the "She Wants Me" Premiere in Beverly Hills, CA. Author: CelebSecrets4U Duration: 1:16
Photos for video Desperate Housewives' Max Carver: "She Wants Me" Premiere Interview
Celebrities that look alike similar dopplegangers past old present alive Audrey Hepburn & Cheryl Cole georgia salpa kim kardashian kristen stewart jodie foster leighton meester minka kelly elizabeth taylor linsay lohan lucy hale selena gomez nina dobrev emmanuel chriqui victoria justice keira knightly natalie portman jordin sparks america fererra jennifer aniston julianne hough eva longoria vanessa marcil vanessa hudges mila kunis cameron diaz helena christina paz vega penelope cruz shay mitchell naya rivera courtney cox nelly fertado Author: TheDiariesOfVampires Duration: 2:53
Pepsi Next's new spokesperson Eva Longoria tells about Gaby and Carlos' upcoming "trials and tribulations" in the final episodes of Desperate Housewives. Author: hollywoodlife09 Duration: 2:53
Photos for video Desperate Housewives Series Finale -- Eva Longoria Interview