To find out more about The Retreat event Matthew mentions at the end of the video, click here: Author: Get The Guy Team Duration: 7:15
For more videos log on to Mobile Facebook Twitter: Kim Kardashian is once again the victim of wardrobe malfunction in her sexy cutaway dress. Find out for more. Author: lehrentv Duration: 0:51
Photos for video Kim K Suffers Wardrobe Malfunction!
Why was Eva Longoria petting Jessica Alba? CNN's Jeanne Moos reports on the hottest moment at the DNC. Watch the conventions live here: For more CNN videos, check out our YouTube channel at Or visit our site at Author: CNN Duration: 2:09
Photos for video Eva Longoria pets Jessica Alba at DNC?
The third & final night (September 6) of 2012 Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Charlotte, North Carolina featuring speeches from President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, First Lady Michelle Obama, & Second Lady Jill Biden. The Pledge of Allegiance was performed by Gabrielle Giffords, former Representative of Arizona's 8th congressional district. Musicians including James Taylor, Mary J. Blige, Foo Fighters, & Jessica Sanchez gave live music performances. Other guest speakers included: Junior Senator for North Carolina Kay Hagan Lieutenant Governor of North Carolina Walter Dalton Representative for North Carolina's 1st congressional district GK Butterfield Representative for North Carolina's 4th congressional district David Price Representative for North Carolina's 12th congressional district Mel Watt Duke Energy CEO James Rogers Grandmother Carol Berman Representative for Maryland's 4th congressional district Donna Edwards Representative for Massachusetts's 4th congressional district Barney Frank Former Mayor of Charlotte Harvey Gantt Representative for Georgia's 5th congressional district John Lewis President of College Democrats of America Alejandra Salinas Iraq War veteran Jason Crow Chair of Democratic National Committee & Representative for Florida's 20th congressional district Debbie Wasserman Schultz Representative for Wisconsin's 2nd congressional district & US Senate Candidate Tammy Baldwin Mayor of Philadelphia Michael Nutter LGBT rights activist <b>...</b> Author: OraTVnetwork Duration: 240:17
Photos for video DNC Night #3 | 2012 Democratic National Convention | Ora TV 2012 With Larry King
Actress Eva Longoria discusses President Obama's values in her 2012 National Democratic Convention (DNC) speech. Transcript of Eva Longoria's speech as prepared for delivery: LONGORIA: Hello, Charlotte! I am honored to be here as co-chair of President Obama's re-election campaign and so proud of my friend & fellow Texan, Julian Castro. Didn't he do a great job? I feel fortunate to be standing on this stage tonight. I never could've imagined it growing up. I was born in Corpus Christi, Texas & the youngest of four girls, including my oldest sister, Lisa, who has special needs. My mom was a special education teacher & my dad worked on the Army base. We weren't wealthy, but we were determined to succeed. In my family, there was one cardinal priority: education. College was not an option; it was mandatory. So even though we didn't have a lot of money, we made it work. I signed up for financial aid, Pell Grants, work study, anything I could. Just like our president & first lady, I took out loans to pay for school. Then I changed oil in a mechanic shop, flipped burgers at Wendy's, taught aerobics, & worked on campus to pay them back. Like a lot of you, I did whatever it took & four years later, I got my degree. More importantly, I got a key to American opportunity. That's who we are - a nation that rewards ambition with opportunity & where hard work can lead to success, no matter where you start. Traveling the country for the president, I see young Americans of every background <b>...</b> Author: OraTVnetwork Duration: 5:41
Photos for video Actress Eva Longoria's DNC Speech | 2012 Democratic National Convention | Ora TV
Actress Eva Longoria delivers a heartfelt speech at the Democratic National Convention. Watch the conventions live here: For more CNN videos, check out our YouTube channel at Or visit our site at Author: CNN Duration: 5:38
Photos for video Raw Video: Actress Eva Longoria talks about American opportunity