On MARIO LOPEZ: ONE ON ONE, Mario visits his longtime friend and actress Eva Longoria at her home. This isn't your typical interview as Mario is able to dig deeper into Eva's personal life and bring out the Eva he knows so well. www.mynuvotv.com twitter.com #MarioLopez1on1 Author: mynuvoTV Duration: 2:16
Actress Eva Longoria stopped by The Grove to chat with "Extra" host Mario Lopez -- and reluctantly confirmed she's dating New York Jets quarterback Mark Sanchez. Author: extratv Duration: 4:13
Photos for video Eva Longoria on Mark Sanchez: 'We're Happy Just Dating'
tinybigfilms.com I went to the 2012 Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, NC and filmed the entire convention and even interviewed some pretty big names in politics such as Madeleine Albright, Mayor Castro of San Antonio, Gov. Martin O'Malley of Maryland, Dennis Kucinich, Al Franken, Mark Warner, Cecile Richards, Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa of Los Angeles, Terry McAuliffe and many more! This election is so important. This video was created to bring awareness to President Barack Obama's re-election campaign. Author: tomiboy21785 Duration: 11:57
Photos for video DNC 2012 for Obama with Politician Interviews
With President Obama recently admitting defeat in the political ad war, he canuse all the help he can get when it comes to persuading voters to re-elect himcome Election Day. Celebrities from Eva Longoria to rapper Flo Rida havedecided to show up at the DNC in support of Obama and are hoping to influencethe American vote. Liz Wahl brings us more from North Carolina and what happens after hours at the DNC. Like us and/or followus: twitter.com www.facebook.com Author: AllTVNews Duration: 7:50
Photos for video Obama's celebrity supporters hit DNC