Ryan Newman Happy Halloween! Pics were from Inspire magazine (now defunct) but can be found on www.ryan-newman.org in the gallery www.ryan-newman.org Check out this 10/29/2009interview of Ryan Newman from Disney Society www.disneysociety.com ----- Ryan Newman Official Twitter Page twitter.com Ryan Newman Official Facebook www.facebook.com Ryan Newman Official Myspace www.myspace.com Ryan Newman Unofficial Fan Site: www.ryan-newman.org "Angel Eyes" unofficial fansite for Ryan Newman r-newman.com Ryan Newman IMDB www.imdb.com Ryan Newman IMDB bio www.imdb.com Ryan Newman (actress) Wikipedia: tinyurl.com ----- Ryan Newman does NOT have a youtube account and anyone claiming to be Ryan Newman on youtube is a POSER. ----- Here is more info on her: Ryan Newman was born April 24, 1998 in Manhattan Beach, California. She began doing print and TV commercials at the age of three. Ryan was the voice of the little girl (Eliza) in the movie 'Monster House'. She is the youngest actor ever to have been motioned captured, at the age of 6 for that movie. www.sonypictures.com Ryan was in the movie 'Zoom' (also known with its subtitle "Academy for Superheroes") playing the part of Cindy Collins aka Princess. www.sonypictures.com Ryan has been in a couple episodes of 'Hannah Montana' playing the part of young Miley. Ryan had a small role playing a girl named Carlotta in the R-rated comedy movie entitled 'Lower Learning' starring Eva Longoria and Jason Biggs. www.lowerlearningmovie.com From <b>...</b> Author: bigggfannn Duration: 1:15
Photos for video Actress Ryan Newman Spooky Halloween Photo Montage
Reports say Desperate Housewives star falls ill - George Michael to go up against X Factor winner - Dannii Minogue cries on Piers Morgan show. Follow us on twitter at twitter.com Author: itn Duration: 1:19
Photos for video Teri Hatcher comes down with swine flu
Facebook: Facebook.com Formspring: Formspring.me Tumblr: x3Haha.Tumblr.com *ABOUT HAIR TUTORIAL* This week has been so stressful that I didn't think I could get around to make a new hair tutorial. But here it is so enjoy! It's cute & classy ( Inspired by: Hebe: www.asianpopcorn.com Eva Longoria: z.about.com Sun Ye (Wonder Girls): img300.imageshack.us Tiffany (SNSD): i80.photobucket.com I think this method will only work work with layered hair, but anyone can give it a try =) Btw, I'm sorry if you can't hear me. I didn't realize my voice was muffled when I'm facing away from the camera. But no worries, I will have annotations to assist me. &Turn up your speakers, will ya? I shall speak louder next time ^^;; *ABOUT THE FORTUNE COOKIE* I don't believe in the fortunes in fortune cookies, simply because they always contain some lucky or positive message. Eh, but I've always been curious to how the little notes get inside. Here's the answer: www.loc.gov Submit your fortunes here: joshmadison.com Author: x3Haha Duration: 4:11
Check out this REMIX of all the iParticipate footage! This clip features Ashton Kutcher, Tyler Perry, John Stewart, Stephen Colbert, Eva Longoria, Gwyneth Paltrow, Faith Hill, and many many more! GET INVOLVED = facebook.com & twitter.com Original music in this clip by KENNA. Check out how Kenna is participating here = summitonthesummit.com Author: iparticipate Duration: 3:06
synopsis: Gabrielle is deemed a bad mother during her daughter Juanita's party, and she tries desperately to prove to others that she is a responsible parent. Bree gets defensive when she's judged by a motel maid for having an affair with Karl Mayer, and Lynette is put off by her new handyman when he defers to Tom for approval on all things, whereas Susan and Katherine come to blows over Mike. Meanwhile, a lapse in judgment on Danny's part leads to a terrible mishap that Angie and Nick must cover up. tv show Desperate Housewives streaming desperate housewives desperate housewives 6 online episodes ABC Com Susan Mayer Lynette Scavo Bree Hodge Gabrielle Solis Teri Hatcher Felicity Huffman Marcia Cross Eva Longoria Parker full premiere new series HD HQ six sixth four fourth 26 october 2009 Desperate Housewives Season 6 Episode 4 Premiere full tv watch s6 s 6 se6 se 6 e5 e 5 ep5 ep 5 6x5 65 S06 E5 se6 ep5 06 5 start first new 65 watch online free shq Author: lorindaDudleydcvu Duration: 1:50
Photos for video Desperate Housewives Season 6 Episode 5 " Everybody Ought to Have a Maid " Part 1
Latinos in Hollywood and their influence in major Network TV shows. George Lopez, America Ferreira and Eva Longoria are some of the latinos that are controlling most of the show biz in Hollywood. Author: TuBoTotal Duration: 7:55
Photos for video Latino in America from CNN's Soledad O'brien
AC360 10/20 Anderson Cooper Interviews Eva Longoria Parker. Discussion topics include immigration, child labor, and the roles of latinos in America. Author: acthejournalist Duration: 5:48
Photos for video AC360 10/20 Anderson Cooper Interviews Eva Longoria Parker
Desperate Housewives - 6x04 The-God-Why-Dont-You-Love-Me Blues Gaby finds Juanita and Celia "playing" with some "balloons" they found under Ana's bed madison lovato Author: Bruno1516108 Duration: 1:42
Photos for video Desperate Housewives - 6x04 Balloons
Watch in HQ ! ( Second Part, here : www.youtube.com ) Marcia Cross was on "The Ellen DeGeneres Show" this 16 th October for the fight against cancer, she has voluntarily participate in the show and she jumps into the water after several failed attempts. We learn that her husband is healthy and we see a radiant Marcia and very fun. I say no more, look! Love Marcia & Ellen Author: Sunshine83110 Duration: 7:53
Photos for video Marcia Cross on " The Ellen DeGeneres Show " Part 1
New song called "The Road to Riches" I did a video to go along with it, enjoy :) Lyrics: ::: Hook (*sampled; not me)::: Sex and drugs and dirty money On the race to rule the world You cut your teeth on fame and diamonds Your time is up now, 3... 2... 1 We're number one ::: Verse 1 ::: Overtanned beach hoes Looking like guidos Down to give deepthroat for under a cnote Leaving with a cheap joke Looking like he needs a dose Of reality and steroids She was unimpressed with love and all that other shit She wanted to tan on her beach towel with the world under it Delusional chick Losing her wits over a notion She had some level headedness Until the devil meddled with it ::: Bridge ::: The rich called, You can be an allstar You could be living that whole life Shopping all day Party all night Just have to lose your sense of being right ::: Hook ::: Sex and drugs and dirty money On the race to rule the world You cut your teeth on fame and diamonds Your time is up now, 3... 2... 1 We're number one ::: Verse 2 ::: This sad storys not an allegory, bitch Its a tragedy if reality hits Listen girlie, you can blow until that house falls down But the piggy wont leave it for you, hes too bound But his wifell get half And sue him til he cant add Cant last in the world of the rich and famous Bitches in playlists No patience for relationships So play your role, bitch veronikastokes.blogspot.com myspace.com/femminamusic soundclick.com/veronikastokes Author: VeronikaStokes Duration: 2:00