Facebook: Facebook.com Formspring: Formspring.me Tumblr: x3Haha.Tumblr.com *ABOUT HAIR TUTORIAL* This week has been so stressful that I didn't think I could get around to make a new hair tutorial. But here it is so enjoy! It's cute & classy ( Inspired by: Hebe: www.asianpopcorn.com Eva Longoria: z.about.com Sun Ye (Wonder Girls): img300.imageshack.us Tiffany (SNSD): i80.photobucket.com I think this method will only work work with layered hair, but anyone can give it a try =) Btw, I'm sorry if you can't hear me. I didn't realize my voice was muffled when I'm facing away from the camera. But no worries, I will have annotations to assist me. &Turn up your speakers, will ya? I shall speak louder next time ^^;; *ABOUT THE FORTUNE COOKIE* I don't believe in the fortunes in fortune cookies, simply because they always contain some lucky or positive message. Eh, but I've always been curious to how the little notes get inside. Here's the answer: www.loc.gov Submit your fortunes here: joshmadison.com Author: x3Haha Duration: 4:11
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