it's french interview she made at cannes so here translation i made for you (i hope it's ok i did my best) the end of LOST So i think for the end, the fans will be react differently, it's something related to the show, and always people are attracted of mystery and it will continue this way, you can't satisfy everyone, and there is not a simply answer on LOST, it's the theme of show. I didn't hope or have an idea what I wanted the show to end but i can say the writers said there is always a plan and we have an ideas where we wanted the show to go and it wasn't a joke. it's true.(laugh) you can see the plan it was always here. the last kate's scene It was really a beautiful scene, it was an emotional scene. I saw it already because i was here when they were recordering the music for the show and i cried, cried, it was something very emotional like you can see it's 'cause it was my life which was organized around this show for 6 years but i think the fans will be also emotional. Will Kate miss you ? Oh yes, i think it was strange because you became your character so for me it was interesting, it's already interesting 'cause i'm letting go of her, the set is over, so kate is over too. it's like losing a part of your spirit or a very close friend but it's also freedom 'cause having always kate so close it was hard (here i don't understand but she mean having her in her personnal life) so it's exciting. Author: lylyford316 Duration: 2:50
Photos for video Evangeline Lilly French interview about the end of LOST
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