I'mwearing Glam Time clip in hair extensions www.GlamTimeHair.com and I talk about them in detail in my video http Another video where I show how to make a high ponytail with these hair extensions (the same that I'm using to make the bun) is on www.youtube.com *** JOIN ME ON FACEBOOK www.facebook.com/LilithMoon *** In this stylish hair tutorial I'll show you how to do a very unique, cute and easy vintage chestnut bun hairstyle inspired by the hairdos of 60s ...and Audrey Hepburn. This hairstyle is great for holidays 2012, Christmas and New Years eve. This gorgeous and elegant look is very simple to recreate and it works best on long and thick straight hair. This beautiful dressy updo is perfect for a party, for dancers, for prom, homecoming, graduation party, ball, reception, dancers (for dance class or competition), wedding guests and all kind of special occasions and evening events. It will look great as a bridal or bridesmaid updo. *** Hовогодние элегантные прически из длинных волос своими руками на выпускной, легкие простые быстрые свадебные вечерние прически дома на длинные волосы, прическа пучок, быстрая укладка волос для выхода в ресторан, для съёмок, коктельная причёска для фотосессии, фотосъёмки, балла, вечеринки, плетение косы, прически на средние волосы за 5 минут Modne fryzury retro z dlugich wlosow krok po kroku -- fryzura sylwestrowa, na sylwestra, modne, wieczorowe, na wesele, Author: Lilith Moon Duration: 4:45
Photos for video Bun hairstyles for long hair tutorial Easy prom updo Vintage 60s bridal wedding hairdo
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