This video is in no way intended to offend or make fun of celebrities. What i want from this video is for us ALL to try and accept how we look with and without makeup. I think we can sometimes forget when we see these celebrities on billboards, red carpets etc... that they wake up every morning looking like that! They don't! They wake up just like you and me and have all the same issues with their skin that we all do. Spots Blemsihes Veins Discolouration Rosacea Dark Circles Bags The list is endless... and without makeup i truly don't think these women are anymore beautiful than you or i. They just have markup artists and stylists on hard to make sure that when they are on the red carpet etc... they look every bit as gorgeous as they are paid to look! NOTE: I have addressed the Julia Roberts Lancome Ad that was pulled in another video. In all honestly i think this was one of the least offensive airbrushed ads. At least it still looked like her! Makeup can do wonderful things. It can change our face. It can enhance how we are. It can make us great(er) looking. But its only makeup. It washes off and we start again. Makeup can change your life... however ... No amount of makeup can mask an ugly heart. Be kind. Be loving. Be who you really are. Enjoy your face. Just as it is. With and without makeup on. Cause you're worth it! ;) Please don't forget rate with a thumbs up :) Thank you :) Celebrity Makeup Mistakes? Click here! Author: gossmakeupartist Duration: 3:22
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