Visit Afterlife TV at ARE YOUR LOVED ONES IN SPIRIT TRYING TO TELL YOU SOMETHING? "James Van Praagh discusses what messages our deceased loved ones commonly try to communicate to us from the spirit world. I ask James how quickly our loved ones attempt communication with us after their passing, what affects our ability to recognize the signs and signals our loved ones in spirit send us, how long people should wait before getting a reading with a medium, and also why people in spirit might communicate to one person in the family (say in a dream) as opposed to other family members. We even chat about what people can do on their own (without the help of a medium) to communicate with people in spirit." ~ Bob Olson, Afterlife TV http James Van Praagh has been working as a medium and teaching people about life after death for over 30 years. His first book, Talking To Heaven, reached #1 on the The New York Times Bestseller list. Then he went on to write Reaching To Heaven, Healing Grief, Heaven And Earth, Ghosts Among Us, Unfinished Business, Looking Beyond (for teens) and his latest book, Growing Up In Heaven. He has also written a book on meditation. James Van Praagh had a daytime television talk show, Beyond With James Van Praagh, he produced a successful TV mini-series about his life on CBS entitled Living With The Dead starring Ted Danson (playing the role of James Van Praagh) and Mary Steenburgen, produced The Dead Will Tell on that network starring Anne <b>...</b> Author: AfterlifeTVChannel Duration: 41:52
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