(3 months later with joe and his parents. Little update demi is preparing for her little baby. She's still putting if up for adoption. They've picked a couple for the baby . Its eva longoria and Richardo antonio chava from desperate housewives) joe: (sits at her table with his parents) denise: what'd you wanna tell us honey? joe: um (covers his face) demi she um..she's pregnant. Paul: joseph... Joe: (runs his fingers through his hair) denise: oh this is so exciting you have so much planning to do. Joe: um mom we are um putting it up for adoption. denise: joeseph... why? joe: so that it can have a better life. Paul: stop feeding that poor girl a lie. You have to live up to what you did. Joe: what are you talking about? Denise: why don't u invite her over for dinner. joe: why? denise: because kevin and dani are gonna be here with the triplets. Joe: ok. (At dinner) Denise: so demi joe tells us your putting your baby up for adoption. demi: (drops her fork and covers her face) joe: mom.. demi: (stands up and walks away) danielle: I think I can cheer her up. (Follows her) hi. (Sits outside with her) demi: is it wrong? I want the best her my kid. danielle: look demi. Im all for adoption. I adopted Luke Lilly and isabella. They're triplets. But I couldn't have kids. (Has tears in her eyes) demi you were given a baby for a reason...and your giving it up. Im never can have the feeling of carrying life. Your so young but its a beautiful thing. demi: (hugs her) my sister told me if I <b>...</b> Author: HarryStyles1114 Duration: 1:27
Photos for video Fix A Heart [jemi] - episode 8 season 1
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